Rate Studies
The Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District Board of Directors is dedicated to providing safe, reliable water that protect public health. The Board is also mindful of the value of controlling the cost of these services to you. The District’s continued analysis of its operational costs has kept the District on sound financial footing and has resulted in water rates that are among the lowest in Riverside County.
California public water agencies typically conduct rate studies every five years to ensure fair pricing for customers. The Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District’s current rate structure, established in 2019, has guided annual rate updates, with 2024 marking the final year of its five-year implementation plan. In 2024, the District engaged Water Resources Economics, LLC to conduct a comprehensive study to develop a new five-year rate schedule, evaluate financial sustainability, and compare rates with neighboring agencies. The study adheres to Proposition 218, which mandates that water rates reflect the actual cost of service and requires a public hearing process for adoption. Following industry best practices outlined in the American Water Works Association’s M1 Manual, the study includes financial planning, rate design, and transparent documentation to ensure compliance and financial stability.